What are the main reasons for the holistic massage treatment/s? How would you like to feel afterwards?
What sort of pressure do you normally like / would you generally like for your massage? Any particular areas of sensitivity?
Do you have any contraindicatons that may prevent or inhibit your treatment?
Please list any medical conditions.
A doctor's note may be required for clients with conditions such as arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, dysfunction of the nervous system, epilepsy, heart conditions, high/low blood pressure, postural deformity, or other specific condition being treated by GP/medical practitioner.
It is important that you DO NOT ATTEND YOUR TREATMENT if you have have been diagnosed with, or are experiencing symptoms of, contagious disease, including respiratory illness with high temperature (covid-19), diarrhoea, vomiting, measles, fever, or flu; or you have fractures, gastric ulcer, psychosis, slipped disc, thrombosis, whiplash; or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or if your GP/medical practitioner has advised against massage at this time.
Is there anything else you would like me to know before providing your treatment?
Number of weeks pregnant?
Due date?
Have you recently or are you currently experiencing any of the following: breathlessness, carpal tunnel syndrome, constipation, headaches, heartburn, leg cramps, morning sickness, nausea, oedema/swelling, sciatica or any other physical/mental symptoms?
It is important that you DO NOT ATTEND YOUR TREATMENT if you are experiencing: abdominal cramping, bladder infection, blood clot or phlebitis, chronic hypertension, leaking amniotic fluid or vaginal bleeding, pre-eclampsia, pre-term bleeding, uterine bleeding.
If your medical practitioner has advised your pregnancy is high-risk, please provide a doctor or mid-wife note explaining that holistic pregnancy massage is suitable for you.